IB PYP Terminology: Tips for PYP Parents

As an important part of your child's learning community, you can play an active role in helping your child grow, supporting both their ability to take charge (Agency) and their understanding of different ideas (Conceptual Understanding). Whether it involves the more structured learning connected to their schooling or the spontaneous, unplanned learning through play, exploration, and life experiences; these strategies will help you empower your child to become a lifelong learner with a sense of agency. Supporting Your Child's Conceptual Understanding: Tips for PYP Parents Value Process How did you do that? Why did you do that? What strategy did you use? Harness the Power of Key Concepts (These questions work for everything and every time.) Form: What does it look like? Function: How does it work? Connection: How is it connected to other things? Change: How does it change? Causation: Why is it like that? Why is it the way ...