IB PYP Terminology: Learner Profile 'Caring'

IB Learner Profile of the term: Caring We show empathy, kindness and respect for others. We think about the feelings of others. How can you promote caring at home? Caring is one of ten IB Learner Profile traits we strive to teach our students. Caring students show empathy and respect for others through acts of kindness and sharing. Parents, guardians and family members can promote students being caring at home by pointing out when you notice them helping others without being asked. Other ways to promote being caring at home is to notice when your child is using kind words, thinking of others and doing nice things for others or the environment. Reading books about being caring is a good way to promote this Learner Profile trait at home. After reading, discuss how the different characters felt and their individual actions. Ask your child to point out examples of when the characters were caring. Here is a list of books that promote the Learner Profile trait C...