Approaches to Learning (ATLs) at a Glance

In the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme, Approaches to Learning are integrated into the curriculum to help students become a well-rounded, informed and responsible global citizen. Listed below are a few prompts which parents and guardians can use to help promote ATLs at home. 

Approaches to Learning 

Examples of questions 

Thinking skills

Students analyse ideas and explore creative solutions to solving real world problems.

I wonder what would happen if you…..?

I wonder why you chose….?

Why do you think….?

How do you know….?

What do you think made this happen?

Communication skills

Students use diverse media to express their ideas and share their thinking with others.

Will you tell me about what you are doing?

What happened when you…..?

How could you share your learning with…? (talking, drawing, writing, presentations)

Research skills

Students have systems for finding and sharing their questions and understandings. 

I wonder what would happen if you….

How can we find out more about….?

What do you think will happen next…?

Self-management skills

Students learn to manage their time, tasks, and emotions successfully.

What might be another way to solve this problem?

Is there another way to try this?

What might be your next step?

Social skills

Students develop empathy and the skills to engage successfully in a learning community.

Can….. do anything to help?

Can….. join in?

How could ….. Help you solve this problem?

What would…... do in this situation?

When you have finished with the …., can … have a turn?

To learn more: 


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